
The most revolutionary thing one can do is always to proclaim loudly what is happening - Rosa Luxemburg

Adding a CLI Layer to GiphyScraper

(Read part 1 of this blog series here) I hadn’t worked with any kind of command-line library in Elixir before; I’d done a little bit of it with Python, and ...

Creating a Giphy Scraper

My first assignment in the the LearnElixir curriculum is to create a giphy scraper with the following requirements: use Giphy’s search endpoint to return ...

Starting My Elixir Journey

I recently enrolled in LearnElixir’s self-paced program for learning Elixir. I first heard about the language in late 2017, but was still getting back into s...

Data Modeling in Clojure

I’ve recently started a deep dive into the world of Clojure. I’ve had a long fascination with functional programming, and its many promises, but had steered ...


Welcome to my blog. I’ll post here occasionally on topics tied to programming and other interests of mine. Enjoy :)